- Leslie Heilman
- Phone: (541)688-5770
- Cell: (541)914-7464
- Fax: (541)689-2704
Palomino Dr. Estate Sale November 08, 2019
Event Starts 11:00 AM
Event Ends November 10, 2019 4:00PM
273 Palomino Dr., Eugene (off of Harlow Rd.), Friday, Saturday & Sunday, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., fun, retro 3-piece sectional sofa, vintage Webcor console stereo, LP's, jewelry, ephemera, old photos, postcards, sheet music, recliner, occasional tables, dressers, twin & queen beds, washer & dryer, Snap-On, Mac & Craftsman tools, Snap-On tool chest & more!
Specializing in Estate Sales in the greater Eugene and Springfield areas.
We have over 10 years of experience providing professionally prepared and conducted estate sales in Lane County. Just as every individual has different needs, so does every Estate Sale. We give every client the personalized, high quality, and knowledgeable attention needed to maximize the success of each sale.
Please contact us for a free consultation. References Provided.
We Accept:
- Cash
- Check